Specific Skills Visa
About Specific Skills Visa
From April 2019, a new status visa “Specific Skills Visa No.1 and No.2” was created in the Immigration Law in Japan.
This new visa will allow foreigners to work in Japan in the following 14 industries for 5 years.
1 Construction industry
2 Shipbuilding and marine industry,
3 car maintenance industry,
4 Aviation industry,
5 lodging business,
6 Care industry,
7 Building cleaning industry,
8 Agricultural industry,
9 Fishery industry,
10 Food and beverage manufacturing industry,
11 the food‐service industry,
12 forges and foundries industry,
13 industrial machinery manufacturing industry,
14 Electrical and electronic information related industry
What are the conditions for foreigners who can obtain a Specific Skills Visa No. 1?
(1) The skill level requires the knowledge and skills necessary to work properly in the receiving industry, and it shall be confirmed by examination etc. to be provided by the office responsible ministry.
(2) Regarding the Japanese language proficiency level, basically, it shall be confirmed the level that can perform daily conversation to some extent and there is no hindrance to everyday life by the Japanese language proficiency test etc.,
Although N4 (a level at which Basic Japanese language can be understood) is assumed in many types of industry, in construction and agricultural industry may not require such high Japanese language skills. they can be lower Japanese Language skills than the other industry.
How difference working conditions and compensation?
Working conditions and compensation are considered to be equivalent to or better than Japanese people.
If you have any inquiry please contact us below.
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